"The proof is in the pudding. I've been able to catch my bunion development early on. I first noticed, a few months ago, that the balls of my feet was becoming sore, swollen, and red, after going for a run. I just put it down to bad footwear. I talked to my mum about it and she looked at my feet. She pointed out that my big toes are bending inwards. It's subtle - but it's there - and I did start to feel self-conscious and worried about them. She said bunions run in the family. Honestly, I didn't even know what bunions were before she told me. Since our conversation, I've worn these correctors every night in bed for 30 days. My big toes have straightened out so much, I'm in less discomfort on a run, and all around feel better for it. I'm glad we had an honest conversation about my bunions, as I was able to find a solution before they got worse."